Organizing Committee

Edson Ribeiro
Director of Exploration, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
Vale SA

Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
Professor and CRC
McGill University

Rodrigo Marinho
Technical Director, Reserve Evaluation
Teck Resources Limited
Technical Program Committee

Lynn Olssen
Chief Advisor
OBK Technical Assurance
Rio Tinto

Arja Jewbali
Head, Resource Management Global
Newmont Corporation

Dyane Duquette
Vice President Mineral Resources Management
Agnico Eagle Mines Limited

Normand Champigny
CEO & Director
Quebec Precious Metals Corporation
Supporting Committee Member

Deborah McCombe
CIM MRMR Committee Chair
Principal Geologist
SLR Consulting

Garth Kirkham
CRIRSCO Committee Chair
Kirkham geosystems Ltd.
Deborah McCombe
Garth Kirkham
Technical Program Committee

Edson Ribeiro
Edson Ribeiro has graduated with a B.Sc. Degree in Geology at the University of São Paulo in 1987 and obtained his M.Sc. degree in Metalogenesis at University of Campinas (São Paulo, Brazil) in 1994.
With over 30 years of experience in the mining industry, has devoted most of his career to the areas of exploration, mineral processing, project engineering, business development, mineral resources, mineral reserves, and economic evaluation of mineral projects covering a broad range of ore types and deposit styles, especially iron ore, manganese, copper, and nickel.
Currently head of Exploration and Mineral Projects, also responsible for coordinating Vale’s Global Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Committee.
Professional associations:
- Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG Member ID 5465)
- Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (Registered Member of SME No. 4203166)
- Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM Fellow #990815)
- Brazilian Commission of Resources and Reserves (CBRR #16001 Qualified Registered Professional)
- Brazilian representative at CRIRSCO since December 2015, Chairperson 2022/2023
- President of ADIMB between May 2016 and May 2020
- Chairman of the International Industry Advisory Board of COSMO – Stochastic Mine Planning Laboratory, a partnership between the McGill University and many of the largest global mining companies
- Member of the Executive of the Brazil Canada Chamber of Commerce (BCCC).

Lynn Olsen
Lynn Olssen – Rio Tinto Chief Advisor OBK Technical Assurance
Lynn works in the Orebody Knowledge Centre of Excellence at Rio Tinto, looking after the Group’s Resource and Reserve disclosure. She is a geologist by background with 30 years’ experience in operational and consulting roles in the mining industry.
Lynn actively advocates for inclusion both within Rio Tinto and across the Resources sector. She was a founding member of Rio Tinto’s Thrive Committee, is a past Chair of the national AusIMM WIMnet committee and currently sits on the state WIMWA summit committee. She is a recipient of the 2014 MCA Women in Mining Scholarship for the AICD Company Director’s Course and was awarded a place on the 100 Inspirational Women in Mining list in 2018.
Lynn has a Bachelor of Science from UWA as well as Graduate Certificates in Geostatistics and Corporate Finance. She has two daughters, two dogs, two rabbits and recently added a rescue cat to the mix; and when she’s not working or studying she loves hanging out with her family.

Rodrigo Marinho
Rodrigo Marinho , P.Geo
Rodrigo graduated with a B.Sc.Degree In Geology from the Universidade Estadual Paulista in Brazil and post-graduate studies at Colorado School of Mines, University of British Columbia and a Citation Diploma from the University of Alberta.
He has over third years’ experience involved with mine operations and projects evaluations and studies, consulting, due diligences and resource and reserve estimation around the globe and experience with several commodities and deposit types (copper, zinc, gold, silver, iron ore, coal, potash, bauxite, nickel).
Strong focus on mineral resource and reserves estimation and reporting and conformity to the plan and Governance rules while providing strong technical guidance for projects and operations teams.
Rodrigo is a Professional Geologist registered with Engineers and Geoscientists BC #39505, a Certified Professional Geologist with AIPG #10971 and an active member of the Canadian Institute for Mining and Metallurgy (#163434), currently a member of the CIM R&R Committee.

Roussos Dimitrakopoulos
Roussos Dimitrakopoulos is a professor of the Department of Mining and Materials Engineering at McGill University. He holds a Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development and Optimization under Uncertainty, and is director of the COSMO – Stochastic Mine Planning Laboratory (
Roussos holds a PhD from École Polytechnique de Montréal, and an MSc from the University of Alberta in Edmonton. He works on geostatistical simulation and stochastic optimization as well as artificial intelligence applications in mine planning and production scheduling, along with the simultaneous optimization of industrial mining complexes and mineral value chains under uncertainty. He has published extensively, maintaining large competitive grants from the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada and a long-standing partnership with AngloGold Ashanti, BHP, AngloAmerican/De Beers, Agnico Eagle, IAMGOLD, Kinross Gold, Newmont and Vale (COSMO Consortium) who support this research. He has taught and worked in Australia, North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, South Africa and Japan.
Roussos Dimitrakopoulos Contact Information
Professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in
Sustainable Mineral Resource Development under Uncertainty
Dept of Mining and Materials Engineering, McGill University
3450 University Street
Montreal, Qc, Canada H3A 0E8
Tel: 1 (514) 398 4986;
Arja Jewbali
Technical Program Committee
Dyane Duquette
Technical Program Committee
Normand Champigny
Technical Program Committee